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Mountain Lion Once Again Spotted in El Dorado County, California

Last month, El Dorado County, California made headlines after a mountain lion killed a young man and injured another near Georgetown. The two brothers were looking for shed antlers in a remote area when the mountain lion attacked them. One brother survived but was gravely injured and will need reconstructive surgery. (Support the family here.)

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Officials caught and euthanized the mountain lion involved in the attack.

Now, just weeks later, a security camera caught another mountain lion walking through a residential area in El Dorado County. The sighting has residents reliving their trauma all over again.

The neighbor who reported the sighting, Tanya Harlow, lives in Placerville, which is south of Georgetown. She describes her neighborhood as “really heavily populated” and not a rural area. And yet, a mountain lion just walked through her lawn.

Harlow has sons herself. She told CBS13 her family felt devastated and shaken by the news of last month’s attack; it could have been her boys.

CBS13 asked the California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) whether there has been an uptick in mountain lions in the area. Peter Tira with CDFW said no, there are just more cameras around nowadays to catch them.

Tira told CBS13: “Wherever you see deer, you can bet there’s mountain lions around.”

Watch the news report here:

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