A Honolulu, Hawaii news outlet has announced that the Sand Island State Recreation Area, a popular weekend camping spot, will stop accepting camping reservations on August 23. Why? Apparently, the public is too frequently out of control there.
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“The public’s constant disregard of state park camping rules, reckless nighttime behavior, and leaving campsites littered with trash and used camping gear has led the Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of State Parks [DSP] to suspend camping at Sand Island State Recreation Area as of Aug. 23,” Spectrum News reports.
The DSP administrator, Curt Cottrell, said: “This behavior is overwhelming the park caretaker and maintenance crew who clean up the campsites and park. It is jeopardizing public safety and diminishing the quality of the park.”
The public has been violating rules at Sand Island State Recreation Area too frequently and for too long, it seems. From people attempting to camp without a permit and not leaving after their permit expires to ignoring the 10-person limit per campsite, land stewards have had enough. Other common violations include being disruptive throughout the night, leaving trash around the campsites and park, and lighting illegal fires.
Is the Camping Ban Permanent?
While there’s no insight into how long the camping ban will last, Spectrum News suggests it’s not permanent. The goal is to implement a new Civil Resource Violations System, which will help officers control illegal behavior. Hopefully, the new system will help weed out the bad campers and open the spot back up to respectful campers.
When camping in an established campground, one downside can be having disrespectful neighbors. However, if you do have disrespectful neighbors, you can often get help from the camp host or park rangers. In this case, groups that frequent the area seem to have no respect for the land or the people trying to manage it.
Pingback: No More Camping at This Popular Spot Due to Public's Reckless Behavior - Just Day
The State does not have our authority to make such decisions. They treat you like unruly children who need to be placed in time out.
We are a republic. Our constitution is guaranteed by article 4 to be provided to every single structure of government at every conceivable level. “We the People” control the State. In Hawaii, the State controls YOU.
The state has the authority to do this in a democracy.
64 consecutive YEARS of democrat majorities in BOTH HOUSES has led us to this fiasco. The State of Hawaii is a club footed, webbed fingered cleft palate politically inbred one-party rule oligarchy. (Big words, but most of you can handle it and are beginning to think for yourself.
Stop voting for democrats and socialists. This is the fruit they bear.