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Teenage Son Saves His Dad After Rock-Climbing Trip Goes South

A horrifying moment for a father/son duo ended up with an act of heroism. A teenage son, 16, saved his dad, 57, after the older man fell while rock climbing. An outcropped rock knocked the dad unconscious. The incident happened yesterday in East Lothian, Scotland.

Border Search and Rescue Unit (BSARU), a volunteer-based mountain rescue group in southeast Scotland, posted details about the incident and the rescue on Facebook.

“A father and son climbing party found their outing on Overhang Wall curtailed when the elder member of the team fell from his stance and swung for some distance into the rock, knocking himself out and sustaining a number of other injuries,” BSARU said in the post. “The son did a valiant job of lowering the father to a place of safety and two other climbers, enjoying their first visit to Traprain Law, are to be commended for raising the alarm.”

BSARU deployed help immediately and helped bring the injured man to a waiting ambulance.

There are no additional details available about the condition of the injured man. However, we’re sure the dad is grateful his son’s quick thinking helped save his life when their rock-climbing trip turned nearly deadly.

See BSARU’s photos of the rescue here:

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