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Tennessee Zoo Wants Your Help to Name Their Spotless Giraffe

A baby giraffe that’s gone viral for its lack of spots needs a name, and the zoo wants your help.

Videos by Outdoors

The Brights Zoo in eastern Tennessee grabbed national news headlines with the announcement of the newborn giraffe, especially with its unique spotless look. The zoo owners say it’s a very rare trait as the spots serve as camouflage for the animal. The most recent case was back in 1972 in Tokyo. 

Visitors can now see the calf and its mother at the zoo, but if you don’t live nearby, you can join in on the fun. The zoo is holding a contest on its Facebook page to name the baby giraffe.

They shared these four names and their meaning: 

1. Kipekee – Unique

2. Firyali – Unusual or Extraordinary

3. Shakiri – She is most beautiful

4. Jamella – One of great beauty

The zoo says they’ll count the votes on Labor Day and then announce the baby’s name.

In the meantime, the owners of the Bright Zoo are asking anyone interested in protecting wild giraffes to visit Save Giraffes Now, an organization that works with the animals in the wild and to make a donation.

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  1. Barbara A. Jacobs

    I want to offer my suggestion to name the new baby 🦒 Giraffe. “Dolly”!
    That’s what I think 🤔 she should be named.
    Love 💕 Her,
    I’m Barbara Jacobs
    I live in Waxahachie, Texas

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