Whether on Instagram, TikTok, or any other social media platform, you’ll notice a new trend every few weeks. One of the latest is people stating hobbies like “We’re mountain bikers,” followed by something unique to mountain bikers. The often hilarious team behind Oklahoma’s Department of Wildlife got on board, but with a twist.
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In the video, one person follows the trend correctly by stating, “We’re girls.” However, the second person does a deep dive into what makes armadillos the unique creatures that they are.
While good at always jumping on a joke, the social media account is, in fact, a genuine department of wildlife, and therefore, they are only sharing facts.
Female armadillos can do something called delayed implantation. This process slows down or stops the gestation period, so the animal can wait to give birth until the proper conditions are met. Usually, that is around the spring, when armadillos can have about four babies.
Other statements include the fact that armadillos will have multiple burrows around their territory. Think of it as a second, third and maybe even tenth home. This territory has only expanded for the animal, which is considered invasive in some areas.
Finally, armadillos have four toes on the front and five on the back.
One fact not mentioned in the video, but we think is cool, is that armadillos are pretty good swimmers, and sometimes they take a dip to cool off.
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