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Trail Cam Captures Tender Moment in the Woods of New York State

Footage from a trail camera set up in the woods of New York State caught the owner by surprise. In fact, Clay Moden says his trail cam may have captured his best images of the year when a doe passed by the spot alongside her fawns. The doe didn’t just pass by, though. She stopped for a while to sweetly nuzzle her fawn, and then another fawn joined in the snuggle party.

“Every now and again, you take a look at what the camera has on it and it mostly is turkeys or a few deer here and there,” Moden writes in a blog sharing screenshots of his trail-cam footage. “If you’re lucky, you get a decent buck or a bear on the camera. But I was not expecting a mother her fawns stop for a family photo along our road in the woods.”

Moden seems excited about the change of the seasons and the resulting changes in wildlife behavior enthusiasts can expect to see very soon in person and on trail cameras.

“The fall is the elite time of the year here in New York State,” he writes. “The weather is perfect, the sunrises are unbeatable and the wildlife is on the move!”

See the doe and fawns’ sweet moments here:

doe and fawn
doe and fawn
doe and fawn
doe and fawn
doe and fawn
Images by Clay Moden via wyrk.com

Best Trail Cameras to Watch Wildlife

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  1. Joan M Donoghue

    We love these pics yet we keep building and destroying their habitat. I don’t believe there is any hope for earth. Maybe space travel will save us.

  2. Pingback: Trail Cam Captures Tender Moment in the Woods of New York State - Just Day

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