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Wait for It—An Elusive Predator Runs Through Downtown Area

Art galleries, restaurants, and small shops dot the street in downtown Salinas, California, but the local police department didn’t expect to see an elusive predator there. Las week, the Salinas Police Department posted photos and a video of a mountain lion in Old Town, urging business owners and visitors to be cautious and to keep their pets indoors.

Salinas is a California town south of Santa Cruz and inland from Monterey Bay, near Pinnacles National Park. Natural areas sandwich the town, which is famous for its ties to author John Steinbeck.

The police department posted an update to its original post, saying someone spotted the mountain lion again, but there has been no update since then.

See a mountain lion in Salinas here (when you watch the video, you’re going to have to wait for it . . . the cougar doesn’t appear until toward the end):

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