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WATCH: Deer Shock Bystanders by Suddenly Leaping off Bridge

Debbie Koziol Kurkul started filming some island deer walking on a bridge near her home in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina when the animals shocked her by doing something unexpected. One deer suddenly leapt off the bridge into the water . . . and then the others did it too.

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In the video, Kurkul gasps when the first deer goes over, then she gasps again as the other two deer follow suit. “Oh my g*d, they’re jumpin’ over!” she exclaims, clearly concerned. Kurkul posted the video to her personal Instagram page. She responded to a comment asking if the deer were OK, saying: “yes they were fine, I was really scared for them but they ran off onto land.”

We assume these are Hilton Head white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus hiltonensis), a subspecies of white-tailed deer that lives on Hilton Head Island.

Watch some deer leap off a bridge for no apparent reason here:

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  1. Pingback: WATCH: Deer Shock Bystanders by Suddenly Leaping off Bridge - Just Day

  2. Why is this such a surprise. The deer ran into a dead end on the bridge, saw a person videoing, and took the best way out to avoid being trapped…pretty obvious.

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