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WATCH: Three-Legged Bear Burglar Is Surprisingly Polite

A wild three-legged black bear called Tripod recently broke into a central Florida home. It was around 4:30 AM when the homeowner woke up and started filming the burglar, which tried to raid the fridge. However, when Tripod found nothing of interest, the bear shut the fridge door and left.

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“He was a friendly bear,” the homeowner told local news station WKMG News 6. “He came in, opened the fridge and even closed it when he (saw there) was no food.”

Tripod has a bit of a reputation in this central Florida neighborhood as a serial burglar. The bear once broke into a different home, ate some fish food, opened the bar fridge, and drank several White Claws. The same bear has broken into other homes and looked in their fridges, too.

Maybe it’s just desperate for another White Claw?

Watch Tripod, the three-legged bear burglar, as it just looks for something to eat and leaves empty handed:

This is a silly story with a happy ending, but wild bears that get a taste for human food or that become desensitized to human presence can become dangerous. Never intentionally feed wild bears (or give them White Claws).

When camping, lock up your food and trash in bear-safe containers to avoid attracting bears to your campsite.

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