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Baby Moose Gets Stuck, But Mama Moose Doesn’t Want Help

When Spencer Warren showed up for work, he ran into a very Alaska situation. A baby moose had fallen in the lake, and it became stuck between the dock and the float of a seaplane. Don’t you hate it when that happens? Warren wanted to help, but the mama moose was hovering nearby with her other baby. She wasn’t helping the stuck baby, and she wasn’t letting anyone else help either.

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In the mama moose’s defense, maybe she’d already tried to get her baby out, but she lacked opposable thumbs. And then she didn’t want to abandon her baby or let anyone else get near it.

Warren called the local police department for some backup. He says part of the rescue crew distracted mama moose while an officer helped him pull the baby to safety (no doubt using their nifty opposable thumbs).

After the men lifted the moose out of the lake, it had trouble standing for a moment, but then got back to its feet. Warren kept an eye on the baby and showed its reunion with mama moose.

Watch two men rescue a baby moose that got stuck here:

What would you do in this situation?

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