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Bald Eagle Faces off With Family Dog on Washington Porch

A family dog named Gnocchi came face to face with a bald eagle in south Puget Sound in Washington State, and the resulting video went viral. The bald eagle was perched outside a sliding glass door, staring intensely at Gnocchi when the humans inside realized what was going on. The family jokes that if Gnocchi were outside, the eagle might carry the dog away.

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Stacy Goss shared the video on her Instagram page, and it blew up. She updated her original caption to explain that the bald eagle was not hurt, but it had eaten a large meal and was grounded for a couple of days. It chose to spend those days outside Goss’s house.

“UPDATE; it’s still here!” Goss wrote in her updated Instagram post. “Game and wildlife came out. It’s NOT hurt, likely ate a deer (their words) and it makes them basically unable to fly for 24-48 hours. It’s off to the side of our house on a log. We have lots of video and photos. We are beyond thankful for the experience and we were never in fear of Gnocchi flying away.”

See the bald eagle face off with a dog in Washington here:

Goss also shared several photo and video updates about the eagle on her profile, which you can see here.

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