When camping it is easy to forget all of the things we take for granted at our home. Something as simple as a note or way to communicate through a quick message can be difficult at your campsite.
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The same can be said if you are out on the trail hiking or geocaching. If you are headed out on the trail it is always important to let other campers know where you are going and when you plan to return. You should also have a way to communicate while on the trail too. In this camping tip, we share an easy way to stay in touch by making paper notes in a prescription bottle. It’s a great way to leave a quick message while on the trail or at the campsite.
Empty Prescription Bottle
A couple of short pencils (golf pencils)
30 sheet address labels
Push Pins

Using the 30 sheet address labels, cut the columns into 3 strips of 10 labels each. Gently roll and place inside prescription bottle with a couple of golf pencils. Include some push pins in case you want to leave a message on a tree or at a park office.
Part of being out in the wilderness whether it is camping, hiking or backpacking is to adequately be prepared for situations that may arise. You may not think a sticky address label and pencil would come in handy in the wilderness but there are plenty of situations where it comes it does. This DIY note in a bottle is a very easy way to make a light weight, waterproof and simple note pad that can be stuck or pinned to a structure.