How to Launch a Boat Alone, Step by Step
Boat launches can be daunting when you’re alone. Boats are huge, and humans are small! But it’s not impossible, so here’s a step by step guide to properly and safely launching a boat in water by yourself.
Boat launches can be daunting when you’re alone. Boats are huge, and humans are small! But it’s not impossible, so here’s a step by step guide to properly and safely launching a boat in water by yourself.
Boating skills, as with any skill, take time and practice. So it’s time to brush up on those skills for the water. Watch this video on how to easily keep up your boating skills, without taking the fun out of it.
IntenseAngler‘s ‘Tip Of The Week’, Episode 21 is a quick compilation of camping, backpacking, and outdoor related tips and tricks. I’ve used these little tricks over the years while camping and have wanted to share some of them for awhile... they’re just a bit too ‘small’ to dedicate a full video to each of them. [...]
Are you debating buying a screen shelter as an addition to your camping kit? They make a ton of sense for tent campers, trailer campers, and RVer’s alike. Pitched over the picnic table at your campsite, the screen shelter will likely become the hub of activity for your campsite for all hours of the day [...]
Camping Friendly Catfish Bait When it comes to catching catfish, you’ll hear about all kinds of weird concoctions used for bait. Some sound so strange, you can’t imagine what the fish that would eat it is thinking. Some smell so bad you don’t want to be in the same county let alone the same boat [...]
Voyager, author and engineer Peter Berman offers his best advice on buying a good, used cruiser for any sailor. Sailors wanting to buy a boat and who are ready to take the plunge — can take advantage of these tips. Sailors need an affordable boat they can depend on to meet the needs of their [...]
Modern four-stroke outboards have fly-by-wire controls and onboard sensors that maximize performance and efficiency. But, the four-stroke solution is not the singular fix ideal for repowering all boats. Let’s discuss. The first generation of four-strokes were all very heavy. All of the extra parts, such as oil sumps and valve trains, increased the engines’ mass [...]
The Fishing Wire has some great tips to make sure every anglers catch-and-release fish survives. Not only will it help improve fisheries, anglers will learn that releasing fishes like trout, muskies, bluegills etc. can help increase the quality and amount of fishes for future catches. With these catch-and-release guidelines, fishes can survive and avoid internal [...]
Here is the problem simply put: you move around a lot on the weekend, and for eight hours a day Monday thru Friday your movement is very limited. You’re wondering how to stay more active at work. It’s very common for active outdoor enthusiasts to get anxious when confined to a desk. It’s not just [...]
If anyone truly knows anything about a great hot dog, it’s probably going to be a butcher. So we found one of the best and picked his mind about what makes a good hot dog and how a camper should prepare that hot dog to have the best turnout possible. 50 CAMPFIRES: Do butchers eat [...]