Do You Know What This Creature Is? It’s a Mystery to Wildlife Officials
A recent Facebook post from the Texas Parks & Wildlife’s Nature Trackers has many looking to identify a strange insect.
A recent Facebook post from the Texas Parks & Wildlife’s Nature Trackers has many looking to identify a strange insect.
Carlos Gauna is the creator of ‘The Malibu Artist’ and frequently works with scientists to create his artwork.
Here’s what happens to the boiling point of water when air pressure decreases and how this affects your ability to cook food.
The second and third supermoons of this year are coming this month, one of which won’t happen again for another nine years.
Get expert commentary on the rogue, surfboard-stealing sea otter making waves off the coast of California, Otter 841.
Shark Week starts Sunday. Before walking on the beach to find shark teeth, here are 30 facts to impress friends and family.
In what is sure to be disappointing for millions of people, the chances of seeing the Northern Lights this weekend are now extremely low.
In case you need an excuse to get muddy, here’s a great one: Today is National Mud Day. Getting dirty often goes hand-in-hand with enjoying time in the great outdoors, and, as it turns out, dirt can also be one of the many aspects of nature that can actually benefit your health. Don’t believe it? [...]
Capturing the intense beauty of an entire storm isn’t easy. Astrophotographer Uğur İkizler masterfully created the electrifying image above by combining numerous shots of the sky near his home in the picturesque coastal town of Mudanya. These individual images were painstakingly collected during a 50-minute period around midnight on June 16, resulting in an average [...]
The saying goes, mimicry is the highest form of flattery. For these five animals, mimicry is a way of life, and, in fact, it’s a big reason they’re so good at staying alive. In biology, mimicry is a “phenomenon characterized by the superficial resemblance of two or more organisms that are not closely related taxonomically.” [...]