It looks like the folks over at the Wall Street Journal are onto our little secret. State Parks around the United States are offering campers a little slice of heaven – without a lot of the fuss that it sometimes takes to start planning a National Park vacation. Now, don’t get us wrong – we need National Parks. They’re part of our heritage. However, if you’re planning on a getaway for Memorial Day Weekend, the 4th of July or any other major summer holiday – check out the State Parks in your area. Often easier to get into, and definitely aren’t lacking on the scenery. From the Wall Street Journal:
Videos by Outdoors
Wall Street Journal
Summer visitors to national parks often envision awe-inspiring views, amazing wildlife and peaceful moments beneath booming waterfalls.What they often find are hiking-path bottlenecks, trailheads packed with tour buses and competitive jockeying for position at scenic overlooks..
Read the full article here: online.wsj.com
Their article is definitely worth poking around in – might even give you some ideas on locations you never thought you’d be able to reserve.
*Photo credit: Heather Contos