We have all had it rain when we are out camping or hiking and weren’t well prepared. We have had it happen more times than we want to admit. There’s an easy solution, just bring an umbrella. But we tend to forget or think it will be to bulky, and it just never makes it in the pack. Well we have been using the Innate Carmanah Travel Umbrella and have found that it works well for 2 people.
Videos by Outdoors

What is not to like about an umbrella that is big. Really big. It can easily fit 2 people underneath it. That is really nice if you are out hiking and want to walk together still and not fight each others umbrellas. It is really compact which makes it easy to store in a pack and the coolest feature is that it opens with just a push of a button.

In the video we give a little more detail on the features, so if you’re looking for an umbrella to keep in your camp box check out the Innate Carmanah Travel Umbrella.
Price: $47