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WATCH: The Cutest Animals on Earth Got Into a Fight

Koalas have got to be some of the cutest animals on Earth. So, what happens what koalas do things that typically are not so cute? Is it still cute? A video from the Australian Reptile Park sheds some light on what it looks like when koalas get into a fight. Spoiler alert: It’s adorable.

Videos by Outdoors

In the video, two koalas at the park are sharing a tight space. They’re both holding on to the same branch. One pushes the other’s arm away, the other koala pushes back, and then they fight. Except, the whole thing is so gentle, it’s borderline snuggling.

“The cutest ‘fight’ ever!” says the Australian Reptile Park in its video caption.

Watch two koalas “fight” here: 

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We wondered, is this really what a koala fight looks like? The park did put “fight” in quotation marks, so maybe this behavior isn’t really fighting. However, other evidence exists on the internet that koala fights are actually adorable.

Take, for instance, this YouTube video of a koala fight. It’s not quite as snuggly as the one above, but it does have the added surprise element of weird vocalizations, such as squeaks and honks.

What do you think? Is this the cutest animal “fight” you’ve ever seen?

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