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Gear Of The Year: Nemo Helio Shower

2014 Gear Of The Year: Nemo Helio Shower

gear of the year
2014 Gear Of The Year

We all have friends that don’t share the love we have for the outdoors, but that doesn’t stop us from expand their comfort zones. The biggest complaint we get when trying to convince them to join one of our camping trips is “A weekend with no shower? Never.” Granted some of these friends wouldn’t camp even if there was the Taj Mahal of showers available. But, being able to offer a shower is a guilty pleasure of camping and goes a long way in convinving the not-so-sure camper that the outdoors isn’t as bad as they imagine in their heads.

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It may be something you’ve never researched, but there are many choices when it comes to camping showers. How do you decide which camping shower is the best option for you? Let us break it down for you. Most need to be hung overhead and provide a very disappointing amount water pressure. A slow drip of a shower is worse than just not taking a shower. In addition to bad water pressure, getting these camping showers hung can be a huge pain. The Nemo Helio Pressure Shower has developed a better solution to the camp shower problem. This awesome camping shower rests on the ground and delivers the pressure you need to wash hair, clean dishes or rinse off gear. This shower is also very portable by packing down into a small kit and weighing less than a liter. Sometimes all you need after a day of being outside is a nice warm shower, the Nemo Helio Pressure Shower can provide five to seven minutes of steady and satisfying water pressure. It’s a no brainer why this shower won Gear of the Year!

Price: $99.99

Nemo Helio Shower
Nemo Helio Pressure Shower

Nemo Helio Shower
Nemo Helio Pressure Shower

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