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Adrian’s Municipal Campground in Minnesota

Adrian’s Campground in Minnesota

Camp Minnesota: I’m talking with Ron today. He’s the Park Supervisor at the Adrian’s Municipal Campground here in Minnesota. Why don’t we start with how long the campground has been there, Ron, and how it got started?

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Ron: I think it was installed back in the ’60s, and it was just a situation where they had some land that they were wanting to develop and it just kind of sprouted from there. Somebody mentioned putting in a campground.

Adrian's Municipal Campground
Adrian’s Municipal Campground was founded in the 60’s

Camp Minnesota: Okay. And what types of camping do you guys offer there?

Ron: We’re 110 sites RV Park. We have 30amp, 50amp, water, electric, sewer, TV, and Wi-Fi.

Camp Minnesota: Okay. And what are the most popular activities for guests there?

Ron: Our public pool is also included in the fees, and so that gets utilized quite a bit, and then we also have an 18-hole disc golf course, which gets utilized quite a bit.

Camp Minnesota: Fun. Do you play disc golf at all?

Ron: Oh, sure.

Camp Minnesota: That’s a blast, isn’t it?

Ron: Yes, it is. That’s a fun game.

Camp Minnesota: And what are some of your favorite attractions in and around that area that you might recommend to some of the guests?

Ron: Well, I think the biggest attraction here, in Adrian, is we are local meat eaters. We have an excellent steakhouse. Absolutely excellent steakhouse.

Camp Minnesota: Awesome.

Adrian's Municipal Campground
Adrian’s Municipal Campground

Ron: And that’s the Adrian Countryside Inn. It’s an excellent steakhouse. And then we have the Sports Page, which also is kind of a bar and diner. And then we have the Crystal, which is pizza and all that stuff, and they also deliver. And then, adjacent to our Park, we also have a Prairie Grass Learning Center, which is a native grass and native flowers. And adjacent to our Park, they bring in a lot of wildlife and we have trails that go through there. There’s a bridge adjacent to the campground on the west side for public access, and I think that’s kind of real pretty.

Camp Minnesota: Okay, just two more questions for you, Ron. If you were going to spend just one hour at Adrian Municipal Campground, how would you spend your time there?

Ron: I’d be playing disc golf.

Camp Minnesota: And if you were going to spend just one night at the Adrian Municipal Campground in Minnesota, which specific site would you stay at and why?

Ron: I would say – let’s see here. I would probably go with Blue 32.

Camp Minnesota: Okay, what do you like about that one?

Ron: That one is just a large site. It’s approximately 120-foot long. It’s kind of on the end. It’s right adjacent to a large open area that goes into the Prairie Grass Learning Center. It has the bridge that’s crossing the (Unclear 3:02.9) Retreat. It’s just a nice, scenic campsite.

Camp Minnesota: All right, perfect. Well, thank you so much, Ron, for taking some time out of your day to chat with us about Adrian Municipal Campground in Minnesota.

Ron: You are welcome.

Camp Minnesota: Cool, so we’ll get that posed up, and then I’ll shoot you in about a week, week and a half. We’ll shoot you an email and if anything changed, just let me know.

Ron: I will do that.

Camp Minnesota: All right, have a good weekend.

Ron: You too.

Camp Minnesota: Bye-bye.

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