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Nokero W100 Solar Work Light: Review

When the Nokero W100 Solar Work Light showed up at the 50 Campfires office we didn’t know what to think. It’s a waterproof, solar light that was designed for night anglers in developing countries. For that purpose, I can’t think of a more perfect light. It’s waterproof, charges from the sun for free, and kicks out 300 lumens of light. The questions is, what else is it good for?

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I brought the Nokero home and tried it out for a few evenings, and wow. It’s bright. I’ve never read a book so comfortably at a picnic table. It felt like I was inside. When we hung out and had a beer with a few friends I actually turned it down because it was overkill. I’m used to always having lanterns on high because there often isn’t enough light. The Nokero made people complain! Good on you Nokero.

So, the light is bright and solar powered, which is great. It’s also expensive and heavy, and perhaps more than the average car camper wants to sign up for. $180 is simply going to be more than most people will pay. That said, the hard core, off-grid camper will love this light. If I were heading up into the hills for a week of dispersed camping this light would be hard to beat. I’d have more light than I knew what to do with.

The other application that interests me is permanently lighting part of my property that I don’t want to run power to. It would be the perfect light to mount on the end of a dock, for example. Or I could mount it by the wood shed at my cabin. There are a lot of places where light would be nice, but where running power is cost prohibitive.

The Nokero W100 for the average camper? Probably not. Still, if you’re doing some long term camping without power or need to shed a little light on just about anything else and want to use the sun to power it, you might want to pick one up.

Nokero W100
Nokero W100 Solar Work Light

Nokero W100 Solar Work Light

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