A pack of wolves near Voyageurs National Park discovered a trail camera set up by researchers. The pack of young wolves decided it was best to try and smash it. Fortunately for us, it was all caught on camera.
Videos by Outdoors
The footage comes from the Voyageurs Wolf Project, an organization focused on researching wolves in northern Minnesota.
Watch the video:
In the clip, you see the wolves approach the camera and attack it by biting anything they can. Amazingly, the camera survived.
“Like most prey, the wolves went after the most vulnerable part of the camera first: the camera strap,” says the post. “The wolves somehow freed the strap, and all three wolves sunk their teeth into their prey, growling and snarling.”
The wolves in the video are part of the Whiskey Point Pack, one of the many packs tracked by the team of researchers. In a post earlier this week, they shared more about the pack, saying they are down to just five wolves, four pups from last year and their mother. The father wolf disappeared, and researchers believe he may have died.
“If the female does not find a mate here very quickly, the pack will not produce any pups this spring and will almost certainly be very small come next fall and winter,” the organization wrote in a separate post. “The mating season for wolves is late January-February in our area, so the clock is ticking.”
Learn more about wolves and the critical roles they play in ecosystems.
Interested in getting a trail camera to capture exciting videos of wildlife? Check out our tips here.
Do trail cameras send out a signal that humans cannot hear ,but perhaps animals can pick up the sound?A bigfoot might hear it and know to avoid it.