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Watch Cowboys Wrangle Two-Ton Steer on Busy Detroit Highway

Michigan State Police enlisted the help of some cowboys over the weekend to help wrangle a cow that had gotten loose on part of I-75 near Detroit. 

Videos by Outdoors

Dashcam video from a police cruiser driving along the shoulder shows the cowboys — one on horseback and two on four-wheelers — searching a wooded stretch of land off of the highway. 

And then, all of a sudden, a two-ton steer reportedly named “Lester” pops out from the brush and barrels into traffic. As the cowboy on horseback prepares to lasso the cow, the police cruiser enters to lane to block traffic. 

As they cross three lanes of traffic, the cowboy successfully wrangles the cow before it hops the guardrail and enters oncoming traffic. 

According to MSP’s statement, the cow was safely captured and returned to its pasture. 

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